6 definitions by emilysnap


The ship name for Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter franchise.
SPOILER ALERT: This ship ends up together at the end of the series, and married in the epilogue. They have a son and daughter: Rose and Hugo Weasley.
HPer 1: I'm such a dromione fan. Will never stop reading those ships.
HPer 2: How can you not be a romione? OTP FOR LIFE.
by emilysnap May 31, 2011
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o face

There is absolutely no other definition for an o face besides the face a youtube viewer makes when he or she is craving an outro performed by Tobuscus.
Also known as "outro-jingle face," or "outro face"
I was totally having my o face on, and then he finally fufilled my needs.

Tobuscus: You had that outro-jingle look on your face - no offence. That's a compliment. A very attractive feature in a lot of cultures, called outro face - look it up! - or o face, for short.
by emilysnap February 27, 2011
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The result of a person posting multiple messages on another person's formspring account.
Sounds like a case of the formspam...
by emilysnap June 8, 2010
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A type of person who laughs or "chuckles" constantly, especially one whom another person shares much laughter with.
"Last night I was hanging out with Allie, it was so much fun! She's such a chucklebox."

"I couldn't stop laughing - I felt like a chucklebox!"
by emilysnap December 27, 2010
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Jersey Shore shouldn't be as popular as it is. Just my OOTD.

OOTD? You look awful.
by emilysnap January 23, 2011
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1. Family & Friends

2. Forgive & Forget

3. Fuck it & Forget
1. "Wanna hang out?"
"Yeah sure come over, we're having F&F over tonight."


3. "Man this is a really stupid thing to be fighting about. Lets just F&F okay?
by emilysnap December 25, 2009
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