31 definitions by dragonboy8586

An expression used to describe how someone is standing or, acting wile looking at you in a intense way , generally in a negative way .
I was walking with my girlfriend and I checked out another chick . I looked back at her and she looked pissed. I responded to her don't look at me with that tone of voice ! You we're looking at her to.
by dragonboy8586 December 14, 2019
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When something is so dead as to not have any life left in it , as not to even be able to be revived .
I don't think I'm gonna be able to get your car started , that battery is deader than a doornail !
by dragonboy8586 June 22, 2020
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Am older term used to describe a very physically fit and beautiful person.
Damn that girl is one of the best hard bodies I've seen !
by dragonboy8586 December 13, 2019
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A term used to describe the reflectors on the road.
There is a lot of flekers
by dragonboy8586 December 23, 2020
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A term used to describe when someone is trying to deal , or process something that is usually Intense ,awkward ,painful or otherwise unpleasant.
Linde - I'm pregnant ! Dave - What ? Linda - are you ready to be a dad ? Dave - hold on im chewing on it. . Linda - what ? Dave - the idea..
by dragonboy8586 July 14, 2021
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A term that means there is something that excites , or interests them. Also as a question what tickles my fancy?
Tracy - Fo you like that game Don ?

Don - Ya it really tickles my fancy !
by dragonboy8586 July 14, 2021
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When many people come together to do a task or tasks and it is made easier because of the unity.
My friends ,family and neighbors came to help me finish building my house and the many hands make lite of work.
by dragonboy8586 November 13, 2019
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