6 definitions by doThis(info: "gotta go FAST");

when you can't remember how to communicate with your brain
or when you need to finish so quickly even quantum computers can't calculate how quick it is
"Come on, come on, fucking come on!"
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goes to

i have just learned leetspeak!

basic leetspeak version:
1 h4v3 ju57 l34rn3d l3375p34k!
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an action in the urban dictionary which makes you able to change part of your definition.
hey wait i gotta edit this definition of nonsense
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>1% chance of getting that title instead of Minecraft on the splash screen.
If you don't understand then spot the difference between the title and the word Minecraft.
Guy 1: "Hey look what I've got!"
Guy 2: "What?"
Guy 1: "Seriously, you can't spot the difference?"
Guy 2: "Nope."
Guy 1: "It is Minceraft instead of Minecraft you asshole!"
by doThis(info: "gotta go FAST"); September 9, 2014
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