17 definitions by death

Stomach ache from eating at McAssflame's, formerly known as McDonald's.

Supersize Me
I got the McStomach ache, the McBrick, The McGas
by death February 4, 2005
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I am Satan, I am evil
I will kill god's people
by death September 1, 2003
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Sprode, adj. Crazy in a japanese candy raver way.
You like to dance, and take a chance, now throw your undies on the stage, no wait, you're under age, you're super sprode.
by death April 21, 2004
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A Man Who Makes Great GFX's
UltimaDargon Pwnz j00
All your b4s3 belongs to him
Ph34r!!! ;!!!
by death April 24, 2005
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Sexual act; penetration of the ear. Resulting deposits in ear may result in hearing problems, hence 'soundproofing'; to ejaculate in ones ear.
Damn blud, yo just penetrated my ear, AND ejaculated in it, therefore I have been, like, totally sound-proofed.

Pardon? You'll have to speak up a bit, I was given the soundproofing to end all soundproofings the other night. Sorry, could you pass me those cotton swabs? Still got some... semen... in here...
by death April 6, 2004
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