8 definitions by dankboo


a slang term meaning cool or amazing that should have died out a long time ago
me: "I finally got my paycheck"
Jose: "Swanky"
by dankboo November 27, 2018
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Scorch the Cockles

To jerk off, to cum IN A SPEEDY MANNER
Time to scorch the cockles!

I picked up a ho to scorch my cockles.

I scorch my cockles faster than most.

He scorched the cockles while doing a handstand.

Thou scorcheth the cockleth with much haste, good sir.
by dankboo October 2, 2019
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ice tea

me: I like food
her: Ice tea
me: Ice tea is gr8 too
her: it means I see, dumbass
me: …………….
by dankboo November 27, 2018
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Shoobie Boo

Swagy's pet dog in the never released knockoff of scooby doo
by dankboo November 27, 2018
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Shit posting

what happens when you have way too much time on your hands and when you have mastered the art of roasting people and people groups
by dankboo November 27, 2018
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That's fast

A phrase that can be used in many situations as an insult (interchangeable with the word stupid/retard) or to express pain.
Ex 1 (expression of pain): *stubs toes against table leg* "That's Fast!"
Ex 2 (insult): Ricky: "Girls who fart scare me more than death."

Me: "That's fast."
by dankboo November 27, 2018
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jumping the gun

doing something before your supposed to

example: one time, there was a hot girl I knew and when she asked my name, instead of telling her my name, I immediately told her my insta account name
Charlie: "Daniel you idiot, you were supposed to tell her your name. Quit jumping the gun."
by dankboo November 27, 2018
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