A beautiful name,(an angel for above) a fantastic name for a girl, Expecially when a special someone is amazing in so many ways, kind in heart and soul, but most of all a smile that lights up a dull and dark room. Beautiful in everyway.
georgina = Angel from Above
by TurkRomeo May 31, 2008
a girl who tries her best to make others happy yet she’s one of the saddest around. she hasn’t got a bad bone in her body and is classed as “to nice”. georgina is a person who can get hurt and blame it on herself. she loved her friends unconditionally and will never do anything to harm them. georgina tried to help anyone who needs it even if she’s the one who needs help, she’ll help you first.
by an angel from hell November 12, 2019
by Harry Olley September 5, 2009
by wahwahwahslksdjflja February 20, 2009
a bloody fookin' funny fuckaaaaaaar whom will get killed if she shows her garter to anyone other than her wifeeeeee for lifeeeeeeee.
by JELLYBEAAN! January 28, 2008
by The coolkidhere69 March 9, 2017
Georgina bold, outgoing, headstrong and shows it in the crazy way she dresses and acts. She is extremely beautiful but her strong personality often deters people. She always has to win and this sometimes gets in the way of her usually nice personality. She is good at most things she tries. Most people are secretly in love with her or jealous of her.
by Artygirl March 18, 2009