687 definitions by dan

when ur really happy and u bust
timmy:tiffany said get a condom and she will fuck u
Johnny:fucks yeaher
by dan March 14, 2005
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above all, cool, better then everyone else
by dan July 3, 2003
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The deepest fighting game ever made. Disliked by dumbasses because of this. These dumbasses also think the combo system is cheap because they don't know the difference between a 10-hit string and a real combo.
If you lose to a button-masher in tekken, it's because you suck at the game.
by dan February 24, 2003
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1. The act of rhythmically thrusting the penis between a pair of breasts.
2. Also known as 89 and other more vulgar terms.
si ella estaba masturbandome con sus tetas, se llama 'Spanish Masturbation'
by dan October 19, 2004
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LOOK i kronged my marshmellow!
looked at the krong in this one
mmm krong a licious
by dan July 27, 2006
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Its a nickname, pretaining to someone named robert, but replacing the R with an H for humor
"Hows it going Hobert."
by dan March 31, 2003
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Youth Communist Leauge(Canada)
-Revolutionary Youth
The YCL is hanging the bourgeoise scum on the streets.
by dan October 19, 2003
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