13 definitions by dammit janet
Phrase used to describe to action of taking a deep breath, forgetting about the pain and fear, digging down deep, and carrying on to the end.
Dad: Son, are you injured or are you hurt?
Son: What's the difference?
Dad: If you are injured, you sit your ass on the sidelines and watch your team play the rest of the game. If you are hurt, you cowboy the fuck up, swallow your pain, put your helmet back on, and get back into the fight.
Son: I'm just hurt a little, dad.
Dad: That's my boy.
Son: What's the difference?
Dad: If you are injured, you sit your ass on the sidelines and watch your team play the rest of the game. If you are hurt, you cowboy the fuck up, swallow your pain, put your helmet back on, and get back into the fight.
Son: I'm just hurt a little, dad.
Dad: That's my boy.
by dammit janet October 21, 2004
A contraction for dumb cunt.
by dammit janet July 15, 2003
A great game that quickly separates the strong from the weak, the boys from the girls, and the normal from the pussies.
The sole reason for showing up to elementary school gym class.
The sole reason for showing up to elementary school gym class.
C'mon, kids! Let's get in some dodge ball before the liberal commie fags at the school board make us stop and hug each other for gym class.
by dammit janet October 23, 2003
by dammit janet May 21, 2003
by dammit janet June 13, 2003
Overgrown little girls who let emotion run their lives and are the sole justification for repealing the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.
Thanks to soccer moms, we got eight years of bill fucking clinton and probably another 10 years of constant threats to our country.
by dammit janet July 3, 2003