31 definitions by d.e

The breakaway republic of the pananian marsh beavers. Located in North East Panania it is ruled by a dominatrix that is eerily resemblant of Ms Daniels. Beavaria is not recognised by anyone, only by the beavers that created and live in it.
"I want to nuke Beavaria, its the asshole of the world."
by d.e March 20, 2004
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The native beaver of the Panania region. Known for its tempermental state and cases of extreme violence towards humans and other species. Found in the Pananian Marshes, its size varies from that of a normal beaver to the huge specimens found near nuclear waste barrels. Currently the target of a steralisation program by the PBSP.
Known diseases/issues: MBD, tendency to go mango.
"Run! Its a pananian marsh beaver!"

"That Pananian marsh beaver beaverised that little boy for no apparent reason."
by d.e March 18, 2004
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When riot police shoot you in the ass. Its basically a pathetic, non-lethal attempt to disperse a crowd of malcontents. This crowd is usually made up of people who didnt go to school that day. Rubber Bullet Kisses are usually followed by Baton Courtesy.
"Robert went to the anit-beaver hunting riot and got rubber bullet kisses all over his ass."
by d.e March 19, 2004
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The name given to the crazy dance performed by Rammstein keyboardist "Flake" during Weisses Fleisch. Consists of almost out of control movements that somewhat resemble a person caught on a giant frying pan. Nonetheless its hilarious to watch.
by d.e March 19, 2004
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Mad Beaver Disease. This is the beaver version of mad cow disease. The conditions include random, uncontrolled spasms which lead to violent attack of all things surrounding the subject. First encountered in the Panania area and in the local beaver stock. Currently there is no known cure.
"That beaver must have MBD he just tackled a computer."

"They better find a cure for MBD quick."
by d.e March 18, 2004
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Howard Dean Syndrome, or HDS, usually occurs due to a crushing defeat in a situation that you were previously thought to have won with a landslide victory. HDS involves the subject screaming, shouting and generally acting like a crazy person which scares all nearby people and damages the subjects profile beyond repair.
Named after former presidential candidate and former Vermont governor Howard Dean.
"We're going to California, and Texas and New York. Then we're going to Washington D.C to take back the White House!. Yeeeaaaaargh!"
by d.e March 19, 2004
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Urban Monkey Warfare occurs when a large number of crazy, possibly diseased, monkeys invade an urban area and proceed to systematically attack the human population. The humans in turn have no choice but to defend themselves, and the army is called in, turning the urban areas into large battlezones. The biggest ever Urban Monkey War was fought in Minto, NSW. The humans ultimately won, but both sides sustained heavy losses.

Urban Monkey Warfare is also the title of a song by KMFDM.
"If you see a large number of crazy monkeys near your house, prepare for Urban Monkey Warfare!"
by d.e March 19, 2004
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