31 definitions by d.e

1) Male form of Dabaja
"That guy is such a Sprod, he should make a movie called The Sprodinator"

"Look at this guy, he loves Germany nearly as much Sprod, I dub him Sprod jnr."
by d.e March 16, 2004
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Basically a cylindrical piece of steel. Steel Rod's have many wonderful uses. Can be used as simple set prop, whereby you place it leaning against a wall, or can be used more appropriately as a form of beaver crowd control, whereby constant hard hits to the head of a pananian marsh beaver (beaverus ignoramus) will result in the suppression of all unwanted acts by the creature. Excess striking will result in brain damage or possible death.
"Hey, place that steel rod against that wall, we need to make this set look authentic!"

"A beaver was in my garden last night, so i used a steel rod on its head. Now its dead."
by d.e March 20, 2004
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When a riot policeman hits you in the head with his baton. This is usually after the riot police gave out some rubber bullet kisses. Baton courtesy is usually followed by an arrest.

Both terms are taken from 'Deer Dance' - System of a Down.
"Robert was given some Baton Courtesy because he resisted arrest. Serves the little bastard right."
by d.e March 19, 2004
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To totally lose control of yourself due to excessive rage and anger. Only the primitive urge to pummel the nearest object remains in your brain and this condition usually last for approx 1-5 minutes. Not that much different from the Berzerker condition.
"OMG, that beaver is about to go mango"

"He went mango on that monitor"
by d.e March 18, 2004
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"If a manganaro gets too close, its time to bring out the beaver suppressant."
by d.e March 20, 2004
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The pointless murder of innocent animals in the name of science. Not only are helpess animals killed and wasted so is a huge amount of money that could be put to better use. Groups like the A.L.F, E.L.F and PETA fight strongly against Animal Testing aswell as other animal rights issues.
"Animal testing is scientific fraud"

"Fuck the white coats"
by d.e March 18, 2004
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A phrase coined by the great Scatman John (R.I.P). This phrase is one of THE most versatile in any language on Earth. It can be used to break the silence in a dieing conversation, tease the hell out of someone or even just as a means of boredom relief.
Person 1: "Man I'm bored."

Person 2: "Ski-Bop-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop!"
by d.e March 19, 2004
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