11 definitions by cullen

the boobies of a woman or female animal (or over-weight male)
"i receieved some poonsy from a total stranger."
by cullen November 10, 2004
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last night i struck out, and got nothin but some antipoon
by cullen November 10, 2004
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School where the 4 Oildale Nazi's originated, and where pedo's go to work
Guy 1:"Dude did you see what Edwin Sent to Sasha"
Guy 2:"Na bro what did he send"
Guy1:"A picture of his dick in the North High School Equipment Room"
by cullen August 16, 2019
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the rump of a female (or male)
"damn. that's a sweet poonbistro. ROUND!"
by cullen November 10, 2004
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word describing utter greatness

vishnu and cullen's new found word
dude, that movie is SHIBBY!
by cullen August 5, 2004
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generally used to describe someone (i.e. "he's being a real sportsman," or "I was a sportsman all day today") who is holding back a shit, and is consistently busting farts, all the while holding in the shit, which then evolves into a turtle head.
Nick was a real sportsman today while he was at work.
by cullen March 23, 2004
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