61 definitions by cory

Person, in the act of lifting the toilet seat and discovering that someone has not flushed their waste.
Casey went to the bathroom only to find that Fonzo had SnakeCharmed him.

Shawn, not remembering he used the bathroom at 4 A.M. used the bathroom after he felt a Teen-Wolf and was shocked to learn that he had SnakeCharmed himself.
by cory January 22, 2005
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its part of a question. a red neck way of saying "with you did you?"
say, you didnt bring your truck witjadidja?
by cory December 6, 2004
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this is just another way to say love, but its a fun way to say it
i really lerv you babeah!
by cory December 4, 2004
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girlfriend,doen't tell me you have a booya on Andy
by cory November 11, 2003
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it means aight as in okand alrighty like tha hicks say
is that aighty

thats aight
by cory November 21, 2004
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