23 definitions by chris firth

The subjective experience of time passing confirmed as about right by external, objective measuring criteria ie an hour feels about like an hour, and this is confirmed by looking at a clock, where an hour has indeed been measured as having passed. As opposed to (e-time), where time seems to pass at a quicker or slower rate than external measuring systems would suggest.
1. I had an hour real time left at work - and it passed in exactly an hour on the clock.
2. It seemed I'd only been online a few minutes real time, but when I looked at the clock it had been three hours.
by chris firth September 9, 2006
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A tranquil time of being blasted, blitzed, drunk, stoned or tripped out without any negative awareness of external social, political or moral intrusions. No bad vibes intrude into the space hour mood. It need not be an actual hour of real time - it could be a few minutes euphoria on crack or metaamphets., or a whole life time just spliffed out from dusk till dawn in front of Nature, a TV or games console.
1. Nothing gets me in my space hour, baby.

2. Traveller: How long have you been sitting here wasted beneath this tree?

Bhuddist Hippy: Oh, all my life. Just a space hour, man.
by chris firth September 12, 2006
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An excellent experience, usuaslly induced by music, especially skiffle music where the T-chest bass sound induces euphoria.
I got a high listening to the good tea band. That skiffle outfit rock da sox. I like that good tea!
by chris firth October 4, 2006
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1. A personal awareness that ones breath does not smell good, either having imbibed tea, alcohol, mints, but usually coffee.
2. Smelly, coffee breath, as experiened by school pupils when their teachers speak to them within sniffing distance just after morning break.
Check out girl: Seventeen pounds and thirty three p, please.

Shopper: Here you go, love. (stoops too low as handing over cash). Sorry about my teacher breath.

Check out girl: No worries (but thinking: Urgh. This stront mings of coffee.
by chris firth September 23, 2006
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1. Verb - to make somebody feel good by clicking the thumb up icon on urbandictionary.com next to a word they have placed there.

2. Noun - a physical inication from another human that something useful and worthwhile has been achieved
1. Yes - somebody thumb up my word at last!

2. She gave me a thumb up for my birthday.
by chris firth September 16, 2006
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A kindly, jovial term for a British (second generation plus) Asian Muslim.
1. Fagger: I'm out of cigarettes and need a smoke.
Fagger's Mate: Ha! And all the shops are closed.
Fagger: No they're not. The lalah corner shop is open all night.

2. You've got to watch those lalahs - they all carry knives.
by chris firth November 6, 2006
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Somebody who considers themself superior to the working class masses of the UK and who deliberately goes to a naff working class pub or venue for a night's entertainment, merely to wake up thankful the next day that what they experienced isn't actually part of their real lifestyle experience.
Henrietta: Hello, Marmaduke. You look tired. Hectic night?

Marmaduke: Yah. Went incognito up to the council estate and visited a public house doing Karaoke. Smoked forty fags, sang five songs, ate fish and chips and made out with a single parent mother.

Henrietta: Yuk! You slummer.

by chris firth October 14, 2006
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