25 definitions by chris wheelie

An exclamation of delight or bliss, when in a particular comfortable or cosy environment.
(Following a rigid and exhausting day. Showered and slipping between freshly laundered and warm bedclothes) "Iss-Iss!"
by chris wheelie April 30, 2005
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Vulgar term for the anus, rectum and bowels. Named after the main character's transportation machine in the popular UK Sci-Fi programme "Dr.Who". The 'tardis' held a lot more than it looked from the outside.
The customs officer got ready for another trip into the dung tardis.
by chris wheelie April 28, 2005
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British origin.
Evolving from the term of abuse bugger, meaning a sodomite or irritating person. To play 'silly buggers' is to generally act the fool, lark about, waste time or generally mess things up. As illustrated by English band The Bus Station Loonies song "Playing Silly Buggers" (1995).
"They were too busy playing silly buggers to get the job completed in time".
by chris wheelie April 25, 2005
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In the US, it is apparently a euphemism (or media-invented myth)for rather lewd naughtiness (see all other definitions). In the UK, it means jelly, ice-cream and dressing-up as Zippy, Bungle, Geoffrey, George, Rod, Jane or Freddy and singing "The Wheels on the Bus". The latter seems condusive to a much more satisfying experience.
Yank: Dude, I'm so emotionally crippled and shallow, I went to this badass Rainbow Party last night. Now I feel even more empty and my dick's kinda itchy.
Limey: I say, old bean, I had a Rainbow Party last week! We all had a beezer time, despite Bungle having eaten too much jelly and ice-cream.
by chris wheelie June 15, 2005
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From the mid to late 1970s. When a person has eaten their fill of a meal, their body creates an inner shudder at the thought of a further mouthful.
"Would you care for a wafer-thin mint, Mr. Kreosote?"
"No thanks you, I've just had a spasm, I couldn't eat another thing".
by chris wheelie April 21, 2005
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From the film "Taxi Driver" (1976). The central character (played by Robert De Niro) goes doolally and society is to blame. During his journey into madness and mayhem, he decides to shave his hair into a mohican style or mohawk. This hairstyle has since been particularly embraced by punk rockers thanks mainly to this movie and the bands Plasmatics and Discharge. The De Niro character is called Travis Bickle... therefore a "Travis Cut" ("Bickle Cut" sounds too much like a chunky sandwich spread).
Travis Cut were also the name of a UK punk band from the mid 1990's.
by chris wheelie July 21, 2006
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A childish term for a hideous cherub or picture of a sickly-sweet baby or seraph. The sort that puts you off your meal.
"Yuch! I don't want to eat my sanwdwich in the Cistine Chapel, it's too full of Bibbies".
by chris wheelie April 21, 2005
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