13 definitions by chasethedoor

The viceroy is well known personality, who visits restaurants and bars, in order to be seen, rather than to see. His presence or absence is often used as a reason by others why the check or bill of fare is not to be paid, or to defer dessert. He haunts establishments by his formidable reputation, and his word is law.
I would love to have the apple pie, but I have to meet the Viceroy, don't you know?
by chasethedoor October 30, 2011
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A fine Italian stallion, this horse prefers the countryside, where he is often seen with the Viscount, Viceroy or Countess. A lovely animal.
In the glen, I could see Antonio, accompanied by The Viscount. What a dashing pair they make!
by chasethedoor November 4, 2011
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A proud, well dressed member of an elite French military unit, who favors fine wine over bullets, and sit down dinners over skirmishes.
The troops of Colonel Dijon, dressed to the nines, enjoyed a magnificent meal, while the horsemen of General Kazoo slept in the rain, gnawing at melvins which grew on the river bank.
by chasethedoor January 21, 2014
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A feared horseman from the steppes of Central Asia, he rides to conquer: nothing less than the total destruction of his enemies will suffice. Mr. Chang uses General Kazoo with complete confidence when it is time to "take care of business", Chang-style.
Natasha bit her tongue when she heard the sound of General Kazoo's mounted forces trying hear. Not even the Commodore and Countess could help her now.
by chasethedoor January 19, 2014
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A feared horseman from the steppes of Central Asia, his forces ride at the command of Mr. Chang, sometimes with Natasha, sometimes against.
The Viscount and the Commodore could not help but admire the ruthlessness of General Kazoo, as he played his instrument while his horsemen descended on the minions of Natasha Triblinskikov.
by chasethedoor January 19, 2014
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A noble animal, this horse accompanies the Viscount when he is in cities.
Look! There rides the Viscount, astride Michelangelo. Huzzah!
by chasethedoor November 2, 2011
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