26 definitions by catherine

deryck whilbey is so hot!!!!!!!! sum 41 arent posers. they r so great and koolio! i love them, their music, and deryck whilbey.
deryck whilbey(hot.) cone (hot.) the rest (not so hot)
by catherine March 1, 2005
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When you attend a funeral of a family member or an aquaitance, you did not know well or attending a funeral and you have no reason to be there accept on behalf of a friend or your going as support.
I have a funeral but it's for my friends mom, I did not know her. However it's a grieve and leave. I will be back by noon for the game.
by catherine March 3, 2005
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chad urmston, guitarist, percussionist and vocalist for dipsatch
chetro shaved his dreds.
by catherine March 23, 2005
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term used for such words as cool, wack,dope....ususal bling bling language
*flick wrist* 'shabbah'
by catherine June 12, 2004
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means fucking around while being silly. I made it up when something... was happening <3
" I fuckled John last night"
by catherine March 22, 2005
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the best show nickelodeon ever had, but since it's been cancels, all of the other show on nick are gay and no one watches that channelle anymore exept for worm babies.
funny drawn piggies, different sized eyes. kooliest show in the world.
by catherine February 28, 2005
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a jackass. or someone who you would consider gay as an insult...who is stupid at the same time.
You're such a fucking gaywad
by catherine May 7, 2004
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