10 definitions by cagedape

The offspring of a 'redneck' and a 'normal' person. Picture Larry the Cable guy knocking up Sandra Bullock. The ensuing baby will indubitably have innate, annoying redneck qualities from it's father, whilst the mother would try to raise it with class so it has a good shot at succeeding in life. It'd grow up to be a person who, for the most part, fits into normal society, yet still has many annoying redneck quirks. Similar to an interracial child, yet a mix of culture instead of race.
"Yo, little Billy lives in a $300,000 house with his parents, and he goes to the finest prep school. Yet he still blows snot rockets in mixed company, and he fastened the seat back on his bike with duck tape. I haven't met his parents, but my guess is that little Billy is a rednick."
by cagedape January 13, 2010
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'Howyamomanem' is a shortened, lazy way of asking "How is your Mom and them?" which itself is a pleasant greeting asking "How is your mother doing? And the rest of the family?" This phrase was originated in the 'coonass' areas of Louisiana (chiefly southern areas of the state), and in recent years has spread to other surrounding geographical areas.
"Eh Thibodeux, howyamomanem?"

"Eh, dey doin arrite. Danku for axin!"
by cagedape December 12, 2009
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A statement of strong agreement. Similar to, but stronger than, 'I heard dat', 'Word', and "Dat's what I'm sayin".
Person 1: Bush absolutely ruined our economy.

Person 2: I couldn't agree with you more. That's what I'm screaming.

Person 1: Dis dj is off da chain!

Person 2: Dat's what I'm screamin.

Person 1: Shaneyney booty be on time, u know what I'm sayin my nigga?

Person 2: Trudat my brotha! U ain't neva lied! Dat's wat I'm screamin!
by cagedape July 6, 2009
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When someone, male or female, is dumped, scorned, or kicked to the curb by their significant other, they begin to fuck 'everything in sight' to get back at their ex.
Joe: "Dude, I saw your ex making out with the bouncer last night, then I saw them leave the bar together at 2am. I bet he tore that shit up last night"

Frank: ".... time for the Scorched Earth policy muthafuckas!!!!!"
by cagedape February 9, 2012
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Legendary party animal. Gets the best drugs, booze, and porn whores money can buy. The hardest fucking partyer since Rick James, may he rest in peace (See, that shit'll catch up with you!)

Oh, also star of one of the highest rated tv shows, Two and a Half Men, and he made some halfway decent movies in the 80's.
Dude, I got my 8 ball and I'm meeting up with Buffy and Cindy tonight. I'm ready to get my Charlie Sheen on!
by cagedape February 7, 2011
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A polite way of calling someone a 'cunt'. Bitch with a capital 'B' would be a super bitch, bitch on wheels, etc. Bitch with a capital 'C' ('C' being the first letter in 'cunt') is a clever way to get around saying the word 'cunt' in mixed or professional company.

For full effect, when saying this about someone, be sure to exercise the proper body language. I.e. raise one eyebrow, give a 'knowing' look, and slightly nod your head. Afterwards, follow up by saying, "You know what I'm saying?" and continue nodding to gain agreement from your audience.
Senator Clinton thinks she's all that, but really she's nothing but a bitch with a capital 'C'.

Lurlene think I's gonna work overtime tonite off da clock jus so she can make her bonus? Shiiiit! She be smoking som'tin. She ain't nuttin but a byatch with a capital 'C'.
by cagedape July 11, 2009
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Cheap ass people who refuse to pay for quality and/or experience always end up buying super cheap goods or services below the 'it's too good to be true' mark. Then when said goods break, fall apart, stop working, or they are not happy with the service they were promised, they are genuinely surprised and will bitch to anyone within hearing distance of them that they got 'ripped off'.

Literal meaning: if you buy a cheap product or service, 9 times out of 10 you will be disappointed as it will not live up to your (unrealistic) expectations. Get a clue and start buying quality stuff!
Sucker: "Dude, i got this Rolex Submariner for only $150 bucks off some black dude in the French Quarter. I can't believe my luck! Look at this bad boy, I'm gonna get all the pussy with this watch!"

Sucker's friend: "Dude, your wrist is turning green... and look at the face of the watch, it's crooked."

Sucker: "What the---, I think I got beat out of $150. This piece of shit prolly aint worth $5!"

Sucker's friend: "Well, you know what they say... you get what you pay for. Sucker!! hahahahahaha!!"
by cagedape February 3, 2010
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