348 definitions by bread infection

to cover one’s oversized erection with ones necktie. Just jerk it to get rid of it. Then it will shrink and you won’t have to hide it.
Whoa that fat guy just pulled a diaz.
by bread infection December 7, 2009
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a bark while circling, usually done by a dog.
Everytime I visit, my friend's dog barkles around me for several minutes
by bread infection October 22, 2005
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to put in one’s ass.
Mike is going to fench himself with a broomstick.
by bread infection December 5, 2009
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a 20 year old dating a 15 year old from 4 hours away and is totally wrapped up in her, also tries to get guts from her knowing that she is only 15.
Chris McPeters is such a cradle kill. Remeber that time he was a cradle kill. That whole summer he was acting like a cradle kill. Yeah thats the guy. To be cradle killed visit Neilson room 410.
by bread infection December 8, 2009
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a standard looking tube-shaped poo.
Someone dumped a shit in the public swimming pool whilst it was packed and as soon as the log reached the surface everyone in the pool evacuated!
by bread infection November 29, 2009
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the way really fat people walk. A combination between walking, bouncing, blobbing. The person doing it looks like they're falling down a steep hill
I'll just BLOUNCE over to the fridge to get my usual 76 packets of crisps, 428 slices of american cheese, 4 lb bucket of lard, 183 suspicious looking sasuages, and 382 pots of 99.999% lard pots of clotted cream. kristy edgerton does/says this
by bread infection October 22, 2005
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