348 definitions by bread infection

1. something usually fun to eat, except in Sharon Turner's case

2. this is something women have and it's the only reason men talk to the stupid bitches.
If women didn't have a pussy, they'd all be jail
by bread infection November 25, 2009
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He is a dogan.
by bread infection December 7, 2009
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what you want to do to your girlfriend's pussy when it stinks.
My girlfriend Sharon Turner had a pussy that smelled so bad I wanted to turneroff.
by bread infection January 2, 2006
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To fry balls! Mostly bulls nuts! Or some gay fucker you hate!
Are we gonna go fribal tonight?
by bread infection October 28, 2005
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someone who writes fucked up and stupid books for stupid people to read. Other times you can be cool if you write books with loads of cuss words in them, or write stuff that is actually interesting and not completely stupid, and full of characters we actually care about
Most authors are horrible at writing.
by bread infection April 28, 2008
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1. a smell of perspiration that rises from one’s feet

2. the odorous smell of Zach after he has not taken a shower for a given period of time. Feepew is a derivitive of feegas.
Farren released feegas from his sweaty body.
by bread infection December 5, 2009
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the values of y that are for when x equals zero
The dresan in this equation is 4.
by bread infection December 7, 2009
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