20 definitions by bostoncasey

shraug: when your penis is so small you can push it inside of your foreskin
Casey: dude, did you get coke dick or what
Sean: yeah man, i could Shraug that shit inside myself!!
by bostoncasey May 24, 2020
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What farmers call the Harvest Moon. Primarily wheat farmers.
Molly: Mom theres a wheat moon tonight, does that mean the farmers can harvest their crops?
Chrissy: Back in my day we called it a Harvest moon, but whatever, potato tomato.
by bostoncasey September 14, 2019
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When a manager says they will do something the next day, but ultimately never do it. Combination of the words manana and management.
I keep asking mananagement to fire the creepy old guy or at least tell him to stop hitting on me, but they never do.
by bostoncasey March 29, 2019
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Erin: Is cereal considered soup?
Casey: In my eyes, it's cold soup!
by bostoncasey September 14, 2019
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A poor strategy, an unwise move, or a dangerous maneuver.
Sharon told Dave she was on birth control, so that he wouldn't use a condom. Dave decided not to pull out and now Sharon is pregnant. It was a fool's gambit.
by bostoncasey December 17, 2016
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Casey:Hey are you going to Urban Outfitters later?
Sean: Yo, Urfitters is my jam!
by bostoncasey September 26, 2018
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Casey: You're cute.
Erin: Do you mean like puppy cute? Or frick frack tickety tack, take off your panties?
by bostoncasey March 1, 2016
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