185 definitions by black Flag

Hit UK TV show, that flopped when remade stateside. Proof that humour is on the whole non-exportable.
"The plot of Lesbian spank inferno?
Well, there is these five lesbian film makers who decide to hold a competion to see who can make the best.. er art film. So they show each other the films and the loser gets err... spanked."

"They all get spanked in that one don't they"

"Err thats right they decide that to spank just one is discrimatory, so they decide they... all... need a.... spanking..."

"You've been watching porn again haven't you?"

"Oh god yes I am so sorry!!!!"
(Series 2 episode 3)
by black Flag May 29, 2004
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A form of shamanism, heralds from africa where mutu men are often employed by soccar clubs in the way European and American sporting teams often employ chaplins.

(Most African teams employ chaplins as well as mutu men)
Ghana lost their last game. They put the defeat down to bad mutu.
by black Flag June 3, 2004
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1) Mythological humanoid creature. Orginated from the old English kingdom of Cornwall. Orginally said to be the size of a large man and fed off human flesh, but now taken to be some kind of small giant

2) A vindictive individual, an unreasonable person.
My boss is such an ogre, he made me ork late three times last week and refuses to pay overtime.
by black Flag May 31, 2004
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UK drug slang- Weed dealer. Sometimes contracted to Harry
Damn I've run out of stash, I'd better pop out and find a Harry.
by black Flag May 30, 2004
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An art gallery in London, now in two parts The Tate on the Embankment and The Tate Modern in a converted power station at Bankside.
I'm going down the Tate to soak up some culture.
by black Flag May 31, 2004
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English football team supported by wurzels

see also Bristol Rovers
Bristol City play at Ashton Gate stadium
by black Flag June 3, 2004
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A faster, more exciting and more acessable code of rugby. Very popular in the North of England and Australia.
by black Flag May 31, 2004
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