84 definitions by billy

1. A female who is usually significantly more attractive than the man she appears to be with that will flirt with him a lot and get him to spend a lot of money for the prospect of sex, and then abruptly fuck him over (in the figurative sense of course) by never talking to him again and/or dumping the shit out of him via the bulletproof lets be friends method.

Cock teases are typically thought to be the minions of a larger, more evil force.
Random Co-Worker: "So whats going on with you and Stacy?"
Stupid Sucker: "I spent 50 bucks on that cock tease and she won't even return my calls."
by billy January 1, 2004
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Of Boston Origins

Any possible adjective, usually replaces "very"
by billy November 11, 2004
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A superb young footballing talent - the next ronaldo?
"God what a goal lanealdo has just scored! He really is the next Ronaldo!"
by billy March 15, 2005
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Chad - typically a well rounded underrated athlete. the type of guy to be known for having a large head (literally and figuratively). one of the more handsome guys to walk the earth and has no problem letting you know.
ex. chad "rossburn rifle" doesn't have a problem with letting you know he is the fucking man
by billy January 25, 2022
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When a collection of toilet paper and shit build up on your arse hairs to form 'dingle berries'.
Sean likes eating dingle berries after a week without showering.
by billy February 14, 2004
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Any passenger vehicle that uses large amounts of fuel to get from one place to another. SUVs, Hummers, large pickups.
Dan: Check out my new Explorer! Pretty sweet, huh?
Billy: Dude, I can't belive you're driving a nature raper.
Dan: Oh, that mother nature, the slut, she was asking for it. You've seen the way she's been dressing.
by billy July 15, 2005
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