84 definitions by billy

A term used to indentify individuals who pretend they are aboriginal in order to get tax-free cigarettes, gasoline and, better access to government grants for art and cultural projects.
Ojibwee my ass. He's a fauxhawk with a lame script.
by billy April 24, 2005
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The first game in the Final Fantasy series to leaved the Nintendo console and the creation of "cut-scenes" (scenes where heavy computer graphics help embellish the story-line). This book is also inside of the Guiness Book of World records for its incredible sales.

Many people call this game over-rated. It's not over-rated, people are just sick of hearing how good it is or just rebels with a cause to start frivolous arguments. If people come past that they'll acknowledge how the side quests (adventures the party goes on that isn't a requirement of completing the game) really help garnish the story. In order to know the ENTIRE story, the side quests must be completed. Though the side quests are nearly infinite, it's a fantastic way for Final Fantasy gamers to know the entire history behind EACH character. This is rare in RPGs since the minority party members are usually in the background and nothing to help embellish their character.

Final Fantasy VII is arguibly the best game in it's class. Paying attention to the story-line and not negative comments on this will tell you this.
by billy March 20, 2005
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a TotalFark acronym standing for Link Goes Nowhere. Usually used to start a thread that is not based on a link.
What's your catch phrase? LGN
by billy January 6, 2005
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On a hot day when you walk around for a while and your scrotal region perspires and your sac grinds against your legs for an extended period of time it will form a minor rash/sore area.
This is called WolfBite
Billy had really bad wolfbite after pushing shopping carts all day.
by billy June 18, 2006
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Show about kid who is possessed by a spirit (his other self) and kills people who piss him off.
d00d i'll get yugioh on ur ass if you dont shut up
by billy June 23, 2003
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wow look at the size of my hard tallywacker
by billy February 4, 2003
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He was so tweaked that he didn't know whether he was coming or going.
by billy March 11, 2003
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