22 definitions by bilham

Compatible. Similar to "Simpatico," used in the same way.
The date went well. She and I were compatico.
That's great Tom. Mozeltov.
by bilham January 24, 2011
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Declare one's (often opposite) personal gender identification.
Katie spend her first year of college as a girl. She's planning on having a sex change operation after graduation, and next year will genderfy as a boy.
by bilham December 21, 2010
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A person who is not an expert in a subject (art or music) but has an informed interest in it. Similar to "aficionado" but without having advanced technical knowledge.
I am an apprecionado of banjo jazz music.
by bilham February 6, 2011
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A sign-language gesture with the hand , meaning "I'm goin to pee & get a drink."

The gesture is a double dip j sign, pinkie finger, twice.
Across the loud, sweaty, undulating, pheromone flooded dancefloor, I spotted Scotty, and I gave him the Jingo Jango, and he nodded okay. So I hit the head.
by bilham January 14, 2011
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One who sits around or pursues any task with inadequate enthusiasm. Different from "couch potato" in that s/he will do things, but only very slowly.
Although Hallie goes to the gym, she's basically a laze cadet, doing the treadmill for only seven minutes.
by bilham May 21, 2010
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Greenery in a natural setting. Verdure.

<br> Used as a descriptive noun, similarly to "growth."

<br> Synonyms: , greenness, growth, herbage, leafage, vegetation, freshness, frondescence, verdancy.
I hope we can use a sunny day like today to enjoy the greenth of Central Park.
by bilham May 25, 2011
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A quantity suggestive of fewer than five, or a short handful.

Derived from the concept of a lumber-mill worker’s (sawyer’s) hand often missing a finger and so less able to hold as much as a whole hand.
Being moody and obnoxious, Scott had only a sawyer's handful of friends.
by bilham May 14, 2010
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