22 definitions by Bilham
Katie spend her first year of college as a girl. She's planning on having a sex change operation after graduation, and next year will genderfy as a boy.
by Bilham December 21, 2010
by Bilham January 24, 2011
by Bilham April 18, 2011
(noun) Inquisitiveness.
Proneness to inquiry, research, or asking of questions; Eagerness for knowledge; intellectual curiousity.
Proneness to inquiry, research, or asking of questions; Eagerness for knowledge; intellectual curiousity.
Do you mind if I ask, are you circumcised? Im sorry for the inquisivity. I just have a thing about smegma.
by Bilham May 28, 2011
One who sits around or pursues any task with inadequate enthusiasm. Different from "couch potato" in that s/he will do things, but only very slowly.
Although Hallie goes to the gym, she's basically a laze cadet, doing the treadmill for only seven minutes.
by Bilham May 21, 2010
A person who is not an expert in a subject (art or music) but has an informed interest in it. Similar to "aficionado" but without having advanced technical knowledge.
by Bilham February 6, 2011
"There's no evidence of human contribution to global warming, IMHO".
"Hey Fupid Stuck, grow a brain".
"Hey Fupid Stuck, grow a brain".
by Bilham January 23, 2013