11 definitions by bigyeeterz

Two separate scenarios with the same line, act, meaning, etc. Often seen in tv shows like Andi Mack.
Andi Mack stan: did you know that Buffy carries Cyrus once every season in Andi Mack?
Broski 1: no way! Dang, the writers sure do love writing parallels in this show
by bigyeeterz July 27, 2019
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A snarky and smart aleck response to an obvious statement
Teacher: what’s 2 + 2?
Student 1: 22

Intellectual: Doi boi
by bigyeeterz May 12, 2019
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When you gotta pee really late at night so you go pee and wait to flush in the morning because you don’t wanna wake up your family/get exposed for being up late with the loud flush noise
Bro 1: sugar gay bro. Oh also last night I stealth peed. Have you ever done that?
Bro 2: yeah it’s smart

Trump: same
by bigyeeterz June 17, 2019
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Adjective for something scary, too good to be true, ugly, mean, unfair, or anything else your heart desires
Oooooooh that’s rough!!!
by bigyeeterz August 8, 2019
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The opposite of matchmaker, a person who sets up two people in order to get them to date
“That clown🤡 Kira is totally playing matchbreaker on Tyrus!!!”
“Agree lol”
by bigyeeterz June 23, 2019
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