50 definitions by big steve

What your grandparents say when they mean Hannah Montana.
Grandfather: Oh my, aren't you pretty? You look just like Molly Montana!
Granddaughter: It's Hannah.
Grandfather: What's that, Honey?
Granddaughter: Hannah.
Grandfather: What's she saying?
by big steve December 9, 2008
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Abbreviated form of player
Yo, play, what's up?
by big steve September 5, 2003
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Breasts, particularly if large or otherwise attractive.
Check out those horns.
by big steve September 4, 2003
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An accomodation, usually a home or other residence, in which a man has sex with a woman.
I took her back to my stabbin cabin and she got assworked.
by big steve September 4, 2003
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A nerd; one who may be smart or particularly knowledgeable in some areas but socially or otherwise developmentally retarded
by big steve September 5, 2003
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A person who cheats at cards. Abreviated from cardsharper. Not someone who is good at cards, but someone who cheats. (Probably derived from the act of cheating by secretly scratching or marking cards during play with a sharp, hidden instrument.)
by big steve August 10, 2004
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A long, unbroken turd which lays across the toilet bowl and will fold in half when the toilet is flushed (extremely rare)
I'm almost 40 years old and I've pinched only one spanner in my lifetime.
by big steve September 5, 2003
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