10 definitions by b00zy

A mind-blowing epiphany inspired by observations about the everyday experiences that we all have, usually offering some moral or lesson.
"...So the guy says to me, 'Who needs life insurance?'"
by b00zy May 18, 2006
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Beta Male Provider. These are the guys who buy women all their drinks, shower them with compliments, drive them around, and are baffled when the females aren't sexually attracted to them. On the other hand, alpha males take care of the female's sexual needs.
Janet's BMP, Joe, keeps giving her flowers, taking her to movies, and is always telling her how intelligent and interesting she is to gain her approval. What Joe doesn't know is she really loves Jake, the bad boy jerk who fulfills all her sexual desires.
by b00zy July 2, 2006
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Beta Male Provide. These are the guys who buy women all their drinks, shower them with compliments, drive them around, and are baffled when the females aren't sexually attracted to them. On the other hand, alpha males take care of the female's sexual needs.
Janet's BMP, Joe, keeps giving her flowers, taking her to movies, and is always telling her how intelligent and interesting she is to gain her approval. What Joe doesn't know is she really loves Jake, the bad boy jerk who fulfills all her sexual desires.
by b00zy July 2, 2006
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A condition in males in which one testicle is significantly higher than the other.
Mike's elevator testicles looked as if one testicle weighed ten pounds more than the other.
by b00zy September 26, 2005
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A combination of the word cougar and douchebag. A 40-something years old woman decked-out in Ed Hardy apparel and gawdy jewelry who likes to hookup with much younger men. Most of the time, the younger men are also douchebags.
Last night I totally hooked up with a cougbag at the club, bro!
by b00zy August 5, 2010
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Shorthand for "fucking," pronounced as "fucken." Used primarily in IRC chatrooms or IM conversations.
"r u out of yr fukn mind!?"

"u rly r out of yr fukn mind!"
by b00zy September 22, 2005
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The belief that musical taste accounts for differences in human character or ability and that listening (or not listening) to a particular genre of music makes a person superior to others.
The indie music scene is plagued with audiocism.
by b00zy August 25, 2005
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