16 definitions by assy mcsluttyballs

when you use the same shampoo or conditioner you ised to beat off with to wash you hair
i had some excess shampoo in my hand so i decided to do some shower recycling
by assy mcsluttyballs December 24, 2009
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someone who often makes gay sex or homosexual jokes but claims to still be straight
guy 1: "hmmm tasty balls"
guy 2: "you are so gay"
guy 1: "no man i love vaginas"
guy 2: "dude you are such a loree"
by assy mcsluttyballs December 23, 2009
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An overweight chick who is still extremely hot and fuckable despite being fat
i don't have to be a chubby chaser to like that sexy bessie over there
by assy mcsluttyballs December 23, 2009
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during anal sex you pull out and make a circle of jizz around the girl's asshole
dude i was trying new shit the other day so i tried salting the rim
by assy mcsluttyballs December 23, 2009
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to be fooled by a girl who wants you to think they like you even to the point of going with you to special events as your date
did you hear about that chris.that girl he liked went to a party as his date but just ditched him. he totally got bree'd
by assy mcsluttyballs December 25, 2009
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some with an extremely large chin. derived from the popular talk show host jay leno
she has a leno chin
by assy mcsluttyballs December 29, 2010
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a song that often plays on the radio while you masturbate
sunshine by atmosphere is my masturbeat
by assy mcsluttyballs January 26, 2010
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