13 definitions by ariel

notes randomly taken on a loose sheet of paper; usually used for school or classes.
Sarah took notez when she forgot her notebook
by ariel January 19, 2005
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derived from the movie gummo, which depicts very twisted, country ignorance/mentality.
Money that blazed his cousin and told his peoples about it is gummo
by ariel December 8, 2004
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A major coffee chain that people obviously think is the devil's brew. Starbucks is apparently 'The Man' taking over the Earth.
Naysayer: "I hate Starbucks! It's turning America into mindless clones!"

Me: "Dude, get over it. It's just coffee. Let me drink my frappuchino in peace."
by ariel September 15, 2004
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Area Code for Bronx Uptown and BrOoklyn.....New yOrk...Stand Up!!!
Ricky:Where u live
Tomas:718 Area
by ariel November 1, 2004
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A dangerous genre of dancing related to heavy metal/rock music. Usually done in crowded areas by pushing, shoving and jumping. The denser frontal part of a concert gig will usually have the crazier stunts such as trampling and crowd surfing.
Moron: I tried to crowd surf but I was trampled and got a concussion.

Moron 2: Idiot.
by ariel June 12, 2004
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