35 definitions by anycon


1. (n.) The state of being or acts associated with a fuckwit.
2. (n.) Variant of fuckwittage.
His capacity for fuckwittery has risen to new heights.
by anycon June 24, 2003
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Preferred adjectival form of 'n00b'.
That n00b over there is n00bish.
by anycon September 28, 2004
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A fusion of the already very expressive words twat and wanker to describe a peculiar, even unique, kind of contemptibleness found in those who are both stubborn and awkward, awkward and stubborn.
'You fucking twanker Matthew.'
by anycon December 23, 2004
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1. (n.) Any mongy or monged-up person. A freak who is so freaky that s/he doesn't know that when s/he is behaving freakishly that others regard him/her as a complete mingmongmang
2. (interjection) A call one would make to humiliate a mingmongmang, often repeated.
3. (n.) An Asian downsyndromer/ general Disabled.
"That guy's a serious mong, said Obaloink.
by anycon June 24, 2003
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"Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e Is 'e hungle-pungle den?"
by anycon October 16, 2003
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(int.) A speech-impedimentary way of saying bye. Spelt 'bligh' in recognition of Captain Bligh, famously mutinied mariner.
'Bligh!' said Michael Howard, forgotten but not gone.
by anycon September 18, 2005
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grade inflation

(n.) What goes on at Harvard. See Harvard.
A Harvard University report last spring complained of grade inflation that makes it easier to get high grades. Now the academic dean, Susan Pedersen, has released data showing that 49 percent of undergraduate grades were A's in 2001, up considerably from 23 percent in 1986.
by anycon September 18, 2005
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