7 definitions by allons-ycompanion

who porn

Pornography Deriving from characters and/or events in doctor who.
Girl: I stumbled across the best who porn last night, this guy looked just like David tennant.
Other girl: was that the one when Jack and the doctor hooked up?
Girl: that's the one.
by allons-ycompanion March 9, 2015
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When you notice that someone changes the way they do there hair act or dress for a guy, and you did the same change. Usually happens when a guy that two girls like admit what they like in girls. Example: curly hair or short shorts.
Dude: did you see Hannah and Brittany today?
Other dude: yeah they're totally twinpressing on you!
by allons-ycompanion March 16, 2015
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Stands for mom behind me. This is used when you are texting on the phone and u don't want the other person to send inappropriate language to you, the person behind you does not have to be your mom just someone you don't want seeing anything.
Guy: you're so sexy
Girl: hold up! mbm
by allons-ycompanion March 13, 2015
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Billie Piper

Amazing and beautiful actress and singer best known for playing Rose Tyler from doctor who alongside the ninth and tenth doctor.
Girl: is that Billie Piper?
Guy: yeah she is so hot!
by allons-ycompanion March 9, 2015
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shitting rainbows

The largest amount of homosexuality one being can poses.
Person: oh em gee Ryan is so hot!
Other Person: yeah to bad he's shitting rainbows gay...
by allons-ycompanion March 9, 2015
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feeling the bern

Being well educated in Bernie Sanders and his intentions as president and being firmly planted in the idea of voting for him and him winning.
Ryan: bro are you feeling the bern?
Matt: I'm feeling it so hard, I'm an admin in his dank meme page!
by allons-ycompanion February 7, 2016
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lane rape

1. When you are walking in a crowded hallway any people start drifting from there lane into your way.
2. Drifting into the left lane in a vehicle (lane raping the person in the left lane)
Person on phone: so last night I was- HEY GET OUTTA THE WAY, sorry this chick was totally committing lane rape.
by allons-ycompanion March 13, 2015
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