16 definitions by akararules

The word used to describe 1.(a) website(s) that is so amazing that Wikileaks craps their pants when they try attempting to hack it. 2. Top secret documents that if released by Wikileaks would result in thousands of riots around the world until every person held responsible for the release was brutally executed.
1. Urban Dictionary is the most amazing un-Wikileakable website ever that Wikileaks knows wtf would happen to them if they tried hacking it.

2. If Wikileaks published Un-Wikileakable documents such as one stating that the Pope had sex with prostitutes around the world and was really Muslim then they would have the shit kicked out of them for it.
by akararules December 10, 2010
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The word for the occurrence of multiple tabs or windows of Facebook open at the same time only because one gets tired of no activity on Facebook but assumes that when he/she opens another tab a notification or something exciting will pop up.
Cindy was had nothing to do so she was opening booktabs all day.
by akararules August 12, 2010
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When in a dispute between two people this is when you go on someone's wall usually with the permission of the other person just so you aren't called a stalker to find something in either a picture or wall post etc. to prove a point.

Can also be used to help a friend find a new profile picture, fan page, appropriate group, etc.
Tali: I am sooooo ugly and fat!!
Aaron: Nooo you aren't you're kinda hot and you're definitely not as fat as other people i know
Tali: prove it!
Aaron: Can i use your fb profile to prove it using facebook evidence?
Tali: Yeah sure
Aaron: Ok heres that picture of you where everyone commented on it saying how gorgeous you looked
Tali: Fine you win
by akararules July 2, 2010
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The collective word for your aunt, uncle and cousins
Yeah we are going to go visit my second family next week. (Uncle Jared, Aunt Sarah, Cousin Jennifer, Julie and Dylan)
by akararules July 23, 2010
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A phrase used instead of what the fuck or what the hell when you are in the presence of an adult or little child who you dont want to hear you say fuck or hell etc.
Micaela: Aaron I hate you soooo much!

Little Kid Walks In

Aaron: What the (Insert Non-Offensive Word Here)!!!!!
by akararules July 1, 2010
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Hi I'm An Annoying Fuck And I Like To Make Annoying Acronyms For Long Sentences Because I Have Nothing Better To Do Because Everyone Hates Me. Also refers to people who talk in acronyms either on facebook or aim etc.
Because Josh had no friends and thought he was funny he made lots of annoying aconyms which made him a HIAAFAILTMAAFLSBIHNBTDBEHM

Julie: HWU? (Hey What's Up?)
Aaron: What?
Julie: ISHWU?! (I Said Hey What's Up?!)
Aaron: No one likes you!!!!!!!!!!
by akararules July 1, 2010
ESPN's very own adult only channel featuring the world's top sexthletes and top news including any sexual charges such as rape, domestic abuse etc.
STEVE: Hey Joe did you hear about the new rape charges against Ben Rothlisberger?

JOE: Nah man what channel was it on???

by akararules June 24, 2010
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