369 definitions by adrian

A once amazing show that has undeniably deteriorated. Still good, but definitely not what it used to be. Compare the 1st 2 seasons to the newest episodes.
Family Guy seasons 1 and 2 were great, 3 was good, the 1st half of 4 was ok, but the 2nd half was 80% Meg bashing and flashbacks.
by adrian July 18, 2006
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Mythical hours that hardly anybody works anymore. Some might still work 8 hours, but they're mostly not 9-5.
Do YOU work 9-5? Do ya punk?
by adrian May 1, 2007
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Possibly the ugliest bitch on Earth, that for some reason Hollywood has deemed attractive. Looks like she weighs about 75 pounds and is notoriously slutty.
Paris Hilton is without a doubt one of the fugliest people on Earth.
by adrian April 15, 2006
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Before, originated in a misspelled e-mail between to bored software engineers.
by adrian December 11, 2003
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Aaron Lewis has a great voice.
by adrian December 21, 2006
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someone, who mixes techno music. derrived from techno, and technician.
Greg mixes techno music. Greg is a technotian.
by adrian March 5, 2005
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Holding a call-in vote as we speak, to decide whether or not this show will stay on the air! Call in and be heard!
Call toll-free 1-888-USA-IDOL
To keep the show on the air, press 1.
To keep the show on the air, press 2.

BAH fuck it all we don't have a say in this. damned corporate ninnies.
by adrian June 27, 2003
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