142 definitions by Zach G.

A fitness "Celebrity" famous for shilling exercise machines by showing his RICDICULOUSLY chiseled abs that he got before the product was even thought of.
What the hell is John Basedow famous for?!?
by Zach G. August 16, 2004
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A way to describe a funny pun.
Ha! That was punny!
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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$olid cheeze whiz. It doesn't even deserve the letter 'S'.
I took velveeta-
and made, a sweater.
by Zach G. February 8, 2004
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Not being able to trust; me.
It's like I'm
Paranoid lookin' over my back
It's like a
whirlwind inside of my head
It's like I
Can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right
by Zach G. November 24, 2003
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