132 definitions by ZACH

Tarr is so much better than Dahms, I can not believe it.
by ZACH March 17, 2005
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small black squirrel that runs around like it runs shit. Usually found in urban areas.(Lawrence) known for the largest population
Greg Hyzdu is bent over while Ryan slams him with a squigger right in his ass.
by ZACH January 15, 2004
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when you crap when having anal gay sex
Gay Guy:ahhh man you never told me you were a wood pusher

Other Gay Guy: sorry
by ZACH June 9, 2004
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Having to do with being beasty, or awesome.
Dude, that slam dunk was such beastyness!
by ZACH October 16, 2003
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shit head
eat shit,
tough shit
hot shit
holy shit
(basicly anyword) shit,
by ZACH May 28, 2005
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Greyhawk is a very retarded name that is unoriginal and was stolen from some old war movie. It is also a Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting. When this name is used by a player in a FPS this tells you that one, they have no skill, and two, they are the offspring of two nubs, yes a nublet.
"Greyhawk is a nublet.."
"HEY! You forgot he sucks at Magic!"
"Remember when he used to have Counter-Strike skills?"
"Yeah but then he started going out with Asha :("
by ZACH November 30, 2004
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