77 definitions by Xero _ Manifest

I'm not really sure how to describe this... friends are people that you trust with your intermost feelings. The type of people that you know won't betray you by telling your secrets. The kind of people that are always there for you, or at least always available to talk to you over the phone when your sad. Friends could even be just the people that you talk to casually, but not emotionaly. Although these are not "true friends" they are friends just the same... supposedly
Truth is these type of people don't actually exist.. Maybe in a perfect world, but this one is far from it. In this world every single last person is the same, they don't care about anything but themselves. Friends are just temporary tools that they have around to make their pathetiv lives easier. Nobody really cares about your problems, it's all an act. People know that if they act carring, they can control that person to benefit from, nothing more. No matter how much you may "trust " and even "care" about a certain individual, when your use is no longer needed, you'll just be discarded like an empty bottle...
by Xero _ Manifest January 22, 2011
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Urbanly: The fear of having a bitch start bitching to you, or the fear of bitches or bitchy people in general. Scientifically: The fear of female dogs. Pretty strange, but then again, there are wierder things in this world that people are scared of.
Bitchy Wife: Get off your fat ass and take out the trash, wash my car, pick up the dry cleaning, and then run to the store and get me a box of tampons *blah-blah-blah* Husband: My lord woman, leave me the Hell alone!! Its because of you that I have bitchaphobia!! *SLAP* NOW MAKE ME DINNER!!!!
by Xero _ Manifest November 20, 2010
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1) Never steal from friends.... family is still okay though 2) If it feels to easy, your being set up. 3) You DO NOT steal from another thief. 4) Sweaters are avery good way to concele stolen objects. 5) When stealing something, remove it from its original packaging. 6) If you walk into a store, never leave without buying something, it will only draw attention to yourself. 7) When stolen merchandice id on your person, don"t rush out, it only makes you look like a criminal. 8) Never steal from a store that you hane never been to before. 9)ALWAYS GO ALONE!!!! 10) If you get caught whille someone else is with you, that person has the right to say that he has no idea who you are. 11)Always scout a store for any and all cameras. 12) Paranoia is the enemy, always stay calm. 13) You will never be caught if you steal for non-selfish reasons, say for example if you steal something just to give it to someone else. 14) Blondes are not as stupid as you think.... 15) When stealing from a person, at least make sure that person knows your name, that way if said person catches you, you can try to play it off as a joke. 16) Being a show-off, will always come back to get you, don"t brag about things you"ve stolen.
17) It is never appropriate to steal from mentally challenged people, churches, your friends, or yourself. 18) Never try to steal something that is at the larger than your own body. 19) Before robbing a person always watch that persons every movement, learn when his possesions are vulnerable, and then make your move. 20) Any thief wo breaks any of The Regulations of a Thief, will no longer be considered a thief, instead they will be labled as an average black guy
by Xero _ Manifest October 29, 2010
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The feeling of wanting something to grub on to avoid doing something else of more importance. The feeling is compulsive and often occurs at a time when you aren't even hungry.
Bitch Ass Chemistry Teacher: Where's your homework? Me: All Sunday I was planning on working on it, but I got the Procrastinatory Munchies and ended up not doing anything. Bitch Ass Chemistry Teacher: That would most likely explain your overall surface area..... Me: Did you just call me a lardass in smart guy language?!! At least I didn't spend my weekend procrasterbating like some bitch ass chemistry teacher I know.
by Xero _ Manifest October 31, 2010
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A stupid phrase that equally stupid people say to get the attention of another person. Often said just for the fucks of it to annoy anyone that is in sounds reach.
Moron: Hey you with the face... Rndm Guy: LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!!! Moron: Hey you with the face, chill the fuck out!! Rndm Guy: I will kick you in the spine!!
by Xero _ Manifest November 15, 2010
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It states that if by the end of Obama's presidency, were aren't in World War III, then Jesus Christ will return from heaven and get a job at a music store
Dumb guy1:Have you heard of Prophecy 47-B?
Dumb Guy2: Yeah, what are the odds that it will actually comes true?
Dumb Guy1:Considering how much Obama's fucking up, I say they're pretty low...
by Xero _ Manifest January 7, 2012
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December 26th, the day after Christmas. The day where nobody has the energy or will power to get there hung over asses out of bed after a hard night of drinking, present opening, face stuffing, fucking (if your lucky), disapointment, and in some cases humiliation and shame. A day that is usually celebrated by staying in bed till 4 and finally getting up only to spend the rest of the day vomiting your guts out.
Guy1: Christmas is gonna be awsome this year!!!! Guy2: Hell yeah!!!! But fuck man, I sure ain't looking forward to National Hangover Day... Guy1: Fuck it, we'll just be in bed all day anyways, so no need to worry about it.
by Xero _ Manifest December 25, 2010
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