77 definitions by Xero _ Manifest

Polite/lazy texting way to say "fuck it". Now used in everday language in place of cursing
Dude1: Don't you have homework to do? Dude2: Eff it, I'll do it later.
by Xero _ Manifest January 18, 2011
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Put basically, it's 2011. We are not even a week into the new year (unless this gets publised and your reading it at a future time) and it's turning out that nobody really cares that it's a new year. Politicaly, everyone is still bitching about problems from 2010, like Obamacare, the Republicans taking controle of the House of Representatives, Obama imagineering money into this country (which is going to fuck us all over), the whole illegal immagration, and of course Wikileaks and the WTF a.k.a the Wikileaks Task Force.
The term 2010 Part 2 the Re-Sh*t Stormening was first use by John Stewert on the Daily Show as he explained all of the crap I wrote above.
by Xero _ Manifest January 6, 2011
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Stupid fucking people like Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, etc. Can become famous music "artists."
Justin Bieber is famous, that's Proof That There Is No God.
by Xero _ Manifest December 29, 2011
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Part One: First off, don't believe any of that bullshit people say about how Hitler supposedly "committed suicide". Before His immanent defeat in Germany, he ran away towards Russia where he remained hidden for a few years until his dumbass fell through a patch of thin ice and became a popsicle. A few years later the Russian people found his body perfectly preserved in ice. Using their advanced technology, they removed his brain and locked it deep within a monstrous robot with which the Russsians planned to use in order to wage war upon freedom, Jews, justice, Poland, and general minorities. Mecha-Hitler became to powerful and escaped the Russian military base. He cooperarted with the Japanese after agreeing to give them control of America after he wages war in exchange for upgrading his body.
After the upgrades to his arsenal, Mecha-Hitler betrayed the Japanese and fled to Mexico. Luckily the Japanese were smart enough to implant a control chip into his brain. They deactivated his body and currently is in a state of suspended animation somewhere in the Mexican desert. We can only hope that the Mexican people never locate him and restart his programming.
by Xero _ Manifest April 18, 2011
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A long and tediously boring time span in the Urban Dinctionary editor page lasting from January 9 2011- February 20, 2011. During this age , the editor page wasn't working, therefor thee editors could not approve or deny words. New editors joined daily only to be dissapointed by not being able to do anything. The Meebo chat room was however still operating, so some editors made small talk with each other, mainly mindless gossip of why the page wasn't working properly.
The Age of Boredom is finally over!!!!!!
by Xero _ Manifest March 10, 2011
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To engage in sexual behavior with a piece of technology. Especially one that isn't naturally made for sexual activities.
Ex.1) Joe just plays warcraft with the Xbox
controller vibration on his nuts. That gadget kink is ill. Ex.2) The 2011 gadget kink Expo booth of
the year: the iPoo.. available in USB or wifi... and for the ladies, the iBone basically a vibrator, but from the apple company which only means that it costs a fuckload of money!!!!!! Get yours today!!!!!!!
by Xero _ Manifest January 22, 2011
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The Truth is something that you normally think other people can't handle knowing. It is what you avoid ever having to give in order to keep up this little game that you tend to play with other peoples lives, instead you fead them lies to keep them as loyal pawns in this elaborate chess game we call life. Quite often the truth is replaced with a lie, that after a long period of time , starts to seem real.
The truth is that nobody can ever be trully honest with any other person, there will always be lies to mascarade it.
by Xero _ Manifest December 21, 2010
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