12 definitions by World of Wordcraft

A better way to say "one in a million" because there is around seven billion people in the world and you believe that he/she is the one for you.
May: How much do you really love me?
John: I love you very much?
May: Do you think I am your one in a million?
John: No, you're my one in seven billion. Will you marry me? -shows ring-
May: Yes!
Then they got married and had kids.
by World of Wordcraft January 7, 2016
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The rules of the game are simple.
1) Don't remember this game. If you do then you have lost, and you have to tell others that you lost.
2) The game ends when you die.
If you're reading this then you have lost the game. Good luck trying to win!
by World of Wordcraft December 30, 2016
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This is a challenge where you must not say, write or type the word "the" for a day. You can use other words related to "the" such as "this" and "that", "these" and "those".
Alright I'm gonna start "The" Challenge.

I just said "the". I lost.
by World of Wordcraft December 1, 2016
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It's a challenge where you must not say, write or type the word "the" for a day. You can, however, use other words related to "the" such as "this" and "these", "that" and "those".
Me: Good morning! I'm going to start "The" Challenge today!


I just said "the".

I lost.
by World of Wordcraft December 1, 2016
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A former bro who is not your bro now.
John was once my bro but then we stopped hanging out so he's my hasbro now.
by World of Wordcraft November 3, 2016
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1) That ghost in the Ghostbusters logo, looks like a member of KKK. So Ghostbusters is also known as KKKbusters.
2) People who hate KKK. Which is everybody except the KKK.
1) Did you watch that cool movie KKKbusters?
Me: I fucking hate KKK!
KKKbusters: Yeah! Kill them all!
by World of Wordcraft May 13, 2015
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When you download something on your iPhone/iPad you will see a circle and the progress is fast. It is the fool's circle. Then it restarts the circle and the progress is disappointingly slow.
Damn it it's done the fool's circle like 5 times!
by World of Wordcraft February 19, 2015
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