22 definitions by WindowLicker9000

A particularly skinny skank-ass girl that thinks its hilarious when people make fun of her and has no clue. She most likely will have a NewPort cigarette addiction and work at a fast food drive-through.

{ BAH } Can be used in code to call one out discreetly if in the same room.

Originated to describe some of the girls in the Damascus, MD area.
by WindowLicker9000 January 29, 2010
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When you take your feeblest friend and roll them up into their own mattress to make them look like a human burrito.
Damn Nick, you just put Levi into a feeble burrito. SLOTH KIll!
by WindowLicker9000 February 4, 2010
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A very sickly looking vegan or anorexic that just makes you want to puke when you see them.
Kelly is a voogan. eeewwwwwwww.
by WindowLicker9000 February 4, 2010
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A highly ghetto phrase used to ask for borrowing money from your friends. Most commonly $10 for a hit of heroin or crack. Often used in the HBO series, "The Wire."
Yo Boogey, lemme' hold 10 nigga.
by WindowLicker9000 April 17, 2010
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A wiffle ball batt used to beat hung over friends in the stomach and sometimes ball sack until they puke everywhere.
Nick gave Levi the boot batt this morning, he booted everywhere.
by WindowLicker9000 April 17, 2010
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A motorcycle helmet. Specifically the kind that just covers the top of your head. They are mostly sported by riders on top of a American brand motorcycle, chiefly, Harley Davidson.
Hey Pete, good thing you were wearing your brain pan when that car slammed you. Your face is a mess but at least you can think straight!
by WindowLicker9000 April 11, 2010
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One who stays in bed all the time, sleeping excessively.
Lee has been in bed for 27 hours straight. What a sack jockey.
by WindowLicker9000 May 3, 2010
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