9 definitions by VaNellie

To be extremely embarrassed. Usually the embarassment is the result of one's own actions. Not sure of the origin, but it may come from when clowns are at a circus and they have eggs thrown at them because of their goofy acts or when actors had eggs thrown at them performing in plays a couple of centuries ago.
"I am sure you still have egg on your face after causing a scene in the mall and later finding out that your boyfriend was in the mall with his neice from Chicago instead of another girl".
by VaNellie September 29, 2005
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Adjective used to describe someone, either male of female, that is thick in build but not necessarily muscular. When referring to females, it applies to thick thighs and calves, hips, and largre breasts. With men it means having broad shoulders, a nice ass, and solid arms. Synonyms include thoroughbred and brick house. Origin comes from the south where most of the meals were eaten with cornbread, and as a result, the people there were generally healthily built from the good eating.
"Did you see that brotha? He aint made like them skinny basketballers or buff football players -- he is cornbread fed!"

"That chick got ass for days -- she is cornbread fed!!"
by VaNellie August 24, 2005
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#1: To really put an effort into something; to do an outstanding job.
#1: "Judging from the way our parade float looks, you really put your foot into making the float look good".
by VaNellie September 29, 2005
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Noun: Generally a small, raggedy place (usually a bar or a club) that has very low quality equipment, furniture, etc but sometimes will provide the best variety of entertainment on any given night. Defining characteristics include: holes in walls/ceilings, nonflushing toilets, a ceiling fan instead of central air, $5 "to get in", and only one bartender. Most of these types of places are found in the country and in the south.
"Man, forget all that upscale crap!! Tonite I am going to the hole in the wall!"

"I heard that the hole in the wall on the other side of town got shut down by the city because it failed the building inspection".

"If you wanna go and have a good time without getting too fresh, try going to the hole in the wall"
by VaNellie August 24, 2005
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#1: As mentioned before: "hugs and kisses".

#2: A fairly expensive clothing line for young to middle aged females that mainly specializes in handbags but is not limited to just those; often found in department stores like Macy's and Foley's.
#1: "I'll talk to you later, xoxo".

#2: " 'XOXO' has a sale where if you buy a sweater you get a purse for half off".
by VaNellie August 24, 2005
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Adj: To have a undescribed magnetism that consistently draws people closer; usually it cannot be pinpointed or described.
"I don't know what it is about Chandra's personality that makes me want to talk to her all the time -- it must be some type of charisma or something."
by VaNellie August 24, 2005
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A more emphatic way of saying "again". Combines the phrases "one more time" and "again".
"That movie was so good I want to see it one mo' gain!!"

"I know you didn't just say that to me -- repeat yourself one mo' gain...."
by VaNellie August 24, 2005
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