11 definitions by Twelve-Step slang

The action of an addict who consumes large amounts of pharmaceuticals, by mouth.
"I was eating at least 40 to 50 Vicodins a day before I checked myself into rapid opiate detox."
by Twelve-Step slang October 26, 2004
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The Betty Ford Center (BFC). A very comfortable drug and alcohol rehab in Rancho Mirage (Palm Springs area), California. Term used by current and former (alumini) patients of the center.
"While getting clean at Club Betty, I took in sun on my patio with the mountain view, hung out at the pool, and worked out with the personal trainer."
by Twelve-Step slang November 10, 2004
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A member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and therefore (usually) a recovering alcoholic. Derived from the name of Bill Wilson (Bill W.), one of the founding members of AA.
If you are at an airport and have a temptation to head to one of the bars, instead have "Bill W." paged, as code for your need for someone from the program come have a "meeting" with you.
by Twelve-Step slang October 24, 2004
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A relapse on alcohol or drugs, usually short in duration with minimal harm done. Contrasted with doing some homework.
"Oh, it just was a little slip, but now I'm going to meetings everyday and working a strong program."
by Twelve-Step slang November 7, 2004
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Sexaholics Anonymous.
A Twelve-Step fellowship / group in the tradition of AA. For people who believe they are sex addicts. In some areas, the group is called Sex and Love-aholics Anonymous (SLA).
"SA meetings are a great place to go if you want to get laid."
by Twelve-Step slang October 24, 2004
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(adverb) How devout members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) describe the attitude and actions of an alcoholic who is not following the principles of the Twelve-Step program and the Big Book.

They believe that this person does not "know how to take direction."
"Sandy still thinks she can drink only on weekends and stop during the week. She continues to run the show."
by Twelve-Step slang November 20, 2004
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Persons who are members of Twelve-Step groups (programs), e.g., AA, NA, CA, MA, SA, SLA, OA, CODA, and PA.
Bill hangs out only with program people since he got sober.
by Twelve-Step slang October 24, 2004
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