11 definitions by Twelve-Step slang

Cocaine Anonymous.
A Twelve-Step fellowship / group in the tradition of AA. For those individuals addicted to cocaine (blow, crack) and their lives have become unmanagable.
"Finding my old crack pipe might be a trigger, so I better get to a CA meeting!"
by Twelve-Step slang October 24, 2004
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"You haven't seen me at meetings for months becuase I was out doing some homework."
by Twelve-Step slang October 25, 2004
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The "bible" of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The book which is actually entitled simply "Alcoholic Anonymous," was written by Bill W., a New York stockbroker, after founding the group with Dr. Bob in a kitchen in Akron, Ohio.

Contains many first person accounts in narrative form of battles with the "cunning and baffling" drink. These narratives are replaced and updated with more contemporary drunkalogues periodically by the bureaucracy controlled from AA World Service Office (WSO) in New York City.
"I'm going to a Big Book study meeting tonight, as part of my 90 in 90."
by Twelve-Step slang October 24, 2004
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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) speak for non-alcoholic/addicted persons.

Also referred to as normal people.
"I wish I was like that earth person who just left the bar with her drink glass still half full!"
by Twelve-Step slang November 17, 2004
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