34 definitions by Tummy AuGratin

To manually stimulate the penis with the hand, typically until orgasm. To masturbate. So-called because the foreskin on the uncircumcized penis, when not retracted, is said to resemble a bishop's mitre.
Ma caught Jimbo last night, playing beat the bishop. She opened the door to say 'goodnight' just as he was jizzin' all over the quilt!
by Tummy AuGratin February 24, 2006
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In the movie "Tilt," Brooke Sheilds had her character's name embroidered over each denimed baby cake.
by Tummy AuGratin February 24, 2006
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A cylindrical device made out of a relatively soft though strong substance, usually surgical-grade plastic, worn in the anus, typically by a male homosexual whose rectum has sustained a large amount of wear & tear due to overuse.

See also: penis sleeve
"They say a pussy can stretch a mile but it won't crack an inch. Not so the asshole. Rock Hudson had to wear an anal sleeve for many years before his death."

-- Boze Hadleigh, 'Hollywood Babble On'
by Tummy AuGratin February 26, 2006
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Adjective. Slang term given to a bitch or hoe with a real fly booty.
Yo! Check out Little Miz Honey Bunz. That mothafuckah tuff!
by Tummy AuGratin March 3, 2006
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Two words of the U.S. Army phonetic alphabet that create the acronym F.P., which stands for 'Fuck Pig', indicating a female soldier of lascivious bent who is not shy about taking on lovers. 'Foxtrot Papa' came into usage during the days after the Women's Army Corps (W.A.C.) was terminated and women (formlery known as WACs) were mainstreamed into the regular Army. 'Foxtrot Papa' was used in order to politely convey intimate information about female soldiers while avoiding sexual harassment charges. (Miliary usage circa 1970s and '80s)

Related term: Puss-in-Boots
I hear Spec-4 Betty is a regular Foxtrot Papa.
by Tummy AuGratin February 26, 2006
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1. A dominant lesbian; a bull-dyke. Usually has short hair or mullet and dresses in male clothing or dungarees. Her opposite number is the "femme" or "baby doll". (Primarily West Coast usage circa 1950s)

2. Large and/or muscular female of the homosexual persuasion. Many are into rough sex with other dykes, and drive trucks & ride motorcycles. A very "butch" woman.
Reportedly, the actress Tallulah Bankhead had a hankering for diesel-dykes and it opened her up to blackmail by the L.A. mob, which was one reason her movie career never took over.
by Tummy AuGratin February 26, 2006
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Noun. An expulsion of methane gas as a flatus via the anus, characterized by a loud report; a thunderous fart.
I swear, dude. That bowel blast Jimmy let rip during history class blew Mr. Dickey's toupee off!
by Tummy AuGratin February 24, 2006
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