39 definitions by Trent Kuver

A screwdriver or power drill. Something that removes screws.
To have been screwed and something happens to make that not so - Unscrewulated.
That thing was in there tight, good thing I had my unscrewulator!!
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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1. The area left inside the oven or on a baking tray. Space that can be utilized for another item to be baked.
2. The room in ones stomach for baked goods.
3. The area created inside some peoples heads after getting baked a lot. This does not happen to all smokers of the baked variety.
1. Ah, there's a bakency, plenty of room for another cookie.
2. Of course I can eat antoher piece of cake. Always a bakency down there!
3. Dude, Johnny needs a sign on his head indicating a bakency, ah ha ha ha ha.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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When your mind is in a chemical haze affecting your body to where it doesn't respond properly. Being in a funk that affects ones coordination.
After toking that killer reefer, I was so totally funkoordinated I fell down and bashed my noggin.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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1. Like a blabbermouth but online.
2. One who hears something and immediately tells everyone else via IM or E-mail.
3. Somebody who types a lot, says too much and the wrong thing.
Can you believe Jane told everyone what I said to her? I know, what a blabberfinger!
by Trent Kuver February 20, 2009
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A term for an Apple computer by those who do not like them because they are not good.
I can't believe Judy bought a Crapple when PC's are so much better.
by Trent Kuver December 20, 2008
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A broken mirage, deliberately done, sabotaged mirage. When someone harshes on a fantasy or dream you may have.
Why did Sheila say that to me? Sure, it was a dream but it was my dream.
I know, that was pure miragotage.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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To evacuate again. If there has been an evacuation, and everyone is allowed back, then you have to leave again.
When it flooded, we had to revacuate a few times.
by Trent Kuver February 7, 2009
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