8 definitions by TheFleeceMan

The name on the shirt at the gas station where you started working today.
Boss: Here, wear this.
You: The name says "Ray". I'm not Ray.
Boss: What the hell does that have to do with anything?
by TheFleeceMan August 18, 2019
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People who are considered to be interruptions to the Communist/Utopian plan.
1. China is planning to use military force to handle the problems who are protesting in Hong Kong.
2. Donald Trump is one of the problems faced by the leftist media in the USA.
3. Conservative posters on Urban Dictionary run the risk of being put on "the problems" list and having their previously approved words erased.
by TheFleeceMan August 23, 2019
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A special bond that develops between the dull and dumb members of a group. Internet Chat Rooms, work environments, and classrooms often have their own camaraderie of lugheads.
I see that this Chat Room has its own camaraderie of lugheads... Intelligent debate doesn't stand a chance.
by TheFleeceMan August 27, 2019
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Chinese governmemt code phrase for "murder citizens".
In a recent public meetng regarding the freedom fighters in Hong Kong. China's leaders used the phrase "restore law and order" at least 100 times. Everyone in Hong Kong knows exactly what this means.
by TheFleeceMan September 3, 2019
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To attack with a guitar.
Singer: "If you people at the bar don''t shut up, I will go all fucking honky tonk man on your ass!"
by TheFleeceMan September 21, 2019
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The most belittling thing in the universe that an organization can do to a worker.
Employee of the Month? Are you fucking kidding me right now? There is no bigger insult to a working person than "Employee of the Month"!
by TheFleeceMan September 5, 2019
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