117 definitions by The2ndFlood

1. A sex act where-in a man or woman tries to see how far they can stick a Barbi Doll into they pussy or anus.
Barbi Quicksand isn't as fun as it sounds....
by The2ndFlood September 22, 2007
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1. An athlete that can reach an orgasm during an intensive workout. 2. A Non-Sexual derived orgasm.
I hate being a Set-Cummer! It makes such a mess.
by The2ndFlood November 14, 2007
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Twizzlers lips are formed when a man or woman has either injections or plastic implants placed in their lips. Which ends up creating a very unnatural Twizzlers-like shape to their lips. The Twizzlers candy has a bumpy, odd shape to them; which is exactly what Lip Enhancements ((always)) end up making that persons lips look like.
I noticed Mila Kunis went with the Twizzlers lips look. That is like pouring SH*T all over the Mona lisa... Lip implants NEVER look real and ALWAYS look stupid! I miss the Hot Mila Kunis!
by The2ndFlood July 28, 2008
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A "Republican Kamikaze" is a person that thinks Humans have (ZERO) impact on the Earth, and that even if Humans did damage something; God would wave his magic hands and fix our mistakes. So people with this mindset have no limitations on doing things that may have a Negative impact on Everyone/Everything else (Over-Breeding, Over-Consuming, Over-Polluting, Wars, Segregation, Religious-Fanatics, Ect). The term "Kamikaze" is taken from the Kamikaze Japanese Fighter-Pilots that would purposely crash their plans into American/Allied Navel vessels during World War II. The Pilots would do this in the hopes that their actions would create massive Death & Destruction to enemy forces; even though the Pilots would also die in the process. The term "Republican" is used, because the core of Republican ideals is based on being Conservative (AKA Ignorant), and being Conservative literally means "Opposed To Change Or Innovation). This Ignorance combined with their warped Religious views; creates an attitude wherein a person doesn't see a potential (FUTURE) consequence, from their (CURRENT) shortsighted actions. But technically not all Republican's have this way of viewing the world;. So a Republican Kamikaze is more of a Stereotype term that can be applied to (ANYONE) with this way of thinking.
(MAN 1) My Wife And I Are Thinking About Having A Child. (MAN 2) Really? That's good. Is this your first child? (MAN 1) No, I have 10 kids already. (MAN 2) What? If You Already Have 10 Kids, Then Why Do You Want More? (MAN 1) Well, I Have Always Wanted 20 Kids. (MAN 2) Why Though? The World Doesn't Even Have Enough Resources For The Population That Already Exists Right Now. So Every Additional Child You Have Puts Your Other Children's futures in jeopardy. (MAN 1) Yeah Right! God Says In the Bible To Keep Creating More Humans; So He Will Always Take Care Of Us. (MAN 2) Dude; What If The Bible Is Wrong? The Universe Is Giant And We May Have Been Forgotten About A Lot Time Ago. We May Be The Kids Left Alone In The Candy Store; With No Parents To Come Rescue Us If We Eat Too Much Candy. (MAN 1) Your Crazy! Humans Don't Have That Much Of An Impact! And If We Need More Resources; We Can Just Take Them From Another County! (MAN 2) No, You Are The Crazy One! Your A Republican Kamikaze Who's Ignorant Views Could Cause Everything On Earth To Die! (MAN 1) Well I Have The Right To Do What I Want, And You Can't Stop Me! People Have Something Called "Rights"; As Long As They Aren't Gay, Female, Ethnic, Poor, Non-Religious Or Anything Else That Is different. (MAN 2) Were Doomed......
by The2ndFlood January 31, 2010
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1. Where-in a man masturbates so much in a short period of time, that he receives pain instead of an orgasm. 2. Like an automobile gas tank, he no longer has any liquid in the tank.
I was so longly once that I masturbated 10 times in a single night. My Ball Fumes hurt like a mother F***er!
by The2ndFlood September 22, 2007
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1. A person that believes the Bible is fact and that all other views are wrong. 2. A person that misinterprets a book of faith in order to cause hatred and ignorance towards homosexuals, lesbians, people of color, women, and anyone else that is different. 3. A person that denies all logic, science, and common sense in order to find comfort in faith. 4. A person that believes it is okay to hurt and kill, as long as it is preformed in the name of faith. 5. A person that comes up with stupid responses to disprove scientific facts, i.e, the Earth is 3000 years old (Even though it has been proven to be 4.5 Billion yeas old.) Humans tamed and rode dinosaurs (When this is impossible, seeing as humans have only been around for a few hundred thousand years and dinosaurs have been proven to have gone instinct millions of years ago.) A man named Noel rounded up 2 of every species and placed them in a boat to save them from a flood. (Even though there is Trillions of animal species on Earth and it would be impossible to round up 2 of each. Even if this could happen, 2 of every animal species would cause inbreeding, which would then cause all of those lifeforms to die. Not to mention there isn't enough water on Earth to cause this type of flood.) 6. A person that believes 2 humans were created by God, which then lead to all human life on Earth. (Which is impossible. This would also cause inbreeding and we would all share the same DNA code, in the way brothers and sisters do. This has been proven not to be the case.) 7. A person that would rather be ignorant to the facts, in order to feel comfortable with how they came to be. 8. A Republican.
If you don't believe in evolution, then check out a Religious Fanatic. They stopped evolving as a people a longtime ago.
by The2ndFlood November 2, 2007
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Yahoo Answers is a web site that was created with the idea of helping people find answers to their questions. While most of the time this is the case, Yahoo Answers has been turning more and more into a Right-Wing Propaganda site. Where questions about freedom issues like Gay Marriage and Atheism are met with ignorant, mean comments and Pro-Republican ideas. Yahoo claims the site is "Moderated By The Users" but there has been complaints that questions that met all the guidelines, were deleted, with many suspecting it was because a Yahoo Employee didn't (Personally) like the question. This can be seen by making 2 different accounts and posting different questions that fall into a Conservative or Liberal mindset. Conservative questions and comments are often times left up on the site, even when they include offensive words like "Fag". While Liberal points of view are deleted, without a reason by Yahoo. Many Christian's use Yahoo Answers as a tool to spread their faith and views. Many questions, not even related to God, are met with answers that read like Religious Propaganda; IE: "Your leg hurts because God loves you and this pain will heal you! God Bless!" Criticism for Republican politicians, will be met with Republican users reporting these users to Yahoo; where Yahoo will just remove the comment and give that user a "Violations Notice". Yahoo claims Violations Notice can be disputed, but Yahoo rarely, if ever, replies back to the emails. MANY former Yahoo Answer users have reported that their accounts have been deleted, citing the reasons above. Considering Yahoo awards a point system to encourage more participation, a user with several thousand points who ends up having their account suspended, is put through a lot of undo stress. Seeing as it can take several months to a year to reach these point levels.
A guy asked if Gay Marriage was the reason for the flooding in the USA. If that God was punishing us. When I called his comments ignorant and that he was acting like a bigot; I received a Violations Notice. Even though his question remained up. Yeah, real fair..... Just another day on Yahoo Propaganda Answers !
by The2ndFlood July 27, 2008
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