1055 definitions by The Return of Light joker

to move ungracefully, to move clumsiy
Don't Galumph around the computer room.
by The Return of Light joker August 21, 2008
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something really funny (from the slapping of the knees and hitting the floor associated with laughter.
That was one heck of a knee-slapper.
by The Return of Light joker August 3, 2008
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spasmodic, not smooth said of a persons movements
His herky-jerky gait made me think he should not have been there.
by The Return of Light joker September 21, 2009
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an area that is now peaceful but could become the sight of violence (from Demilitarized zone, the term form the area where a war was fought, used since the end of the Korean war. violence is often legally prohibited by an agreement in such frontiers or boundaries to promote peace and reduce the chance that the war could restart)
I was halfway through the DMZ when that weirdo showed up and asked for directions.
by The Return of Light joker January 4, 2010
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heavy hiking boots (from the pattern the soles make in the footprints)
A pair of waffle-stompers were found in the car and were covered in either the perpatrator's or the victims blood.
by The Return of Light joker October 24, 2011
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