129 definitions by The Real Driller

DALL-E if it were managed by Electronic Arts...
Who the heck would want to pay $10 a month to use NovelAI to make AI-generated images?
by The Real Driller October 16, 2022
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Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Jewish refugees settle in the United States.
We had no idea he was obsessed with HIAS until after the attack happened, but we should've known it.
by The Real Driller June 10, 2021
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Pointless sheets of paper that contain information that you obviously know won't be on a quiz or test.
Kyle: Dude, are you going to go to Florida this spring break?
Chris: No, I can't. The teacher that nobody likes assigned me a six-page study guide to complete over spring break. It's awful.
by The Real Driller February 5, 2023
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