15 definitions by The Hunter

Also see: Dirt Rooster

When a male wakes up his partner in the morning by ramming them in the rear with his cock and screaming "Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Beyotch!"

Does not work so well on a sleeper with an unusually loose anus, in which case they will continue to sleep like a baby....well...a baby with a loose anus anyway.

Warning: Repeated use may invoke adverse reactions from sleeper; including but not limited to; a bat over the head followed by an emphatic "Cock-A-Doodle-Don't MuthaFucka!"
"That bitch kept hitting the snooze button, so I had to wake her up with the Alarm Cock!"
by The Hunter May 27, 2004
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Sexual technique:
When a girl is sucking on your balls, and you tap the head of your cock on her forehead. Just like Woody Woodpecker Would.
"Dude, I gave my girl the old Woody WoodPecker last night! It was great, but I don't think she digs the bruise on her grill!"
by The Hunter May 27, 2004
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A crusty, sticky, smelly, week-old piece of poop that is either lodged in ones bunghole or stuck in ones chonies and is currently rotting away in the bottom of your hamper.

A contraction of the words Butt/Bunghole + Fungus = Bungus
"I think you have some Bungus on your face, Todd"

"Hey man, can you give me a hand...errr...a finger, with this bungus? It's a real fighter!"

"Yup, I can wear these boxers again, they only have a bit of bungus on them....and...it's pretty fresh anyways."
by The Hunter May 28, 2004
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Another way of describing the phenomenon that is the Camel Toe, an American Tradition and Classic. When a women wears a pair of pants or shorts that shows her beefy pussy flaps actively swallowing the seam of her pants. It looks like when unstlyish dorks wear socks with their flip flop sandals.
"Damn Joe, Sally's shorts look like she's wearing a Sock In A Flip Flop!!"
"You're right Jim, I like that shit!"
by The Hunter May 27, 2004
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My French alias, Hugh Jardon, b/c I have a Huge Hard-on right now!
Bob:"Hey Sally, have you met my french cousin Hugh Jardon?"
Sally:"No Bob, but I sure would like too."
Bob:"Oh Sally, you will...and...you will."
by The Hunter May 28, 2004
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The wonderful sound my butt makes when it is happy.
"Hey, did you hear that?"
"No, hear what?"
"(bending over)BRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPP! That was just my butt saying, 'Hello, nice to see you'!!"
by The Hunter May 28, 2004
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Same as WTF? but now that I know it was used by Keanu in the Matrix, I will never say it again!!
What the shit?! As like, "What the shit is that about?"
by The Hunter May 27, 2004
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